What Can I Get Away With Wednesdays? NAS (Network Attached Storage) For Free?

For many game developers, their developing game is the most precious thing they own. But the game itself is ones and zeros. It is electrical signals and magnetic polarizations, fleeting, etheral, at times volatile; ownership of such things is tenuous at best. How do you ensure that the precious ones and zeros stay put? Stay

Freebie Fridays! Kinect with MS-SDK Playmaker Actions

It may seem like a Throwback Thurs. at first glance, but this Kinect with MS-SDK freebie comes with Playmaker Actions!!! In keeping with a Kinect theme, here is a free Unity Asset Store Asset that features Playmaker Actions for the Kinect (you all know how much I love both Playmaker and Kinect)! From the product

Propaganda Games: Sesame Credit – The True Danger of Gamification – Extra Credits

If you follow me on twitter you know that I like to stay vigilant about this stuff. This is a must-view, folks. Note how Extra Credits bookends the video with disclaimers that they might be misinterpreting this version of the Matrix. Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. More dangerous than denying that

What Can I Get Away With Wednesdays? Can I use a bluetooth headset/tablet for audio recordings?

If you’re a game developer, eventually you’ll need to speak and be heard in a video. Whether you’re creating a video pitch deck, crowdfunding video, video interview, or Let’s Play, you’ll need decent audio. What can you get away with for under $50? Can you use a bluetooth headset and tablet for audio recordings? Disclaimer:

Off Topic Tuesdays! Timecop1983

My new favorite music: Timecop1983! This song is my favorite. As is the video because it features a young Daft Punk. Spoiler alert: Timecop1983 is only seemingly “Off Topic.” Expect them to feature in some very topical posts soon!