Tutorial Tuesdays! Video Game Development 101 Lesson 9 – Creating a Motion Capture Studio at Home! iPi Soft, Kinect

Similar to the previous WCIGAWW post, this video is far more concise (and much easier to hear and understand). Copy pastaed from the description: In this lesson we detail the hardware and software needed to create a motion capture studio at home. We will then learn how to create a game ready animation using a

Update: Tutorial Tuesdays! No-Code Touch Controls! Unity Dual FPS Touch Joysticks

//Update: There’s actually an easier way in the latest version of Unity. Once you download Standard Assets from the Unity Store and Import them, add Assets>Standard Assets>CrossPlatformInput>DualTouchControls to the Scene! If you need to upgrade, be sure to back up your Project as a Package, Include Dependencies. That being said, I recommend you watch the

Meetup Mondays! An Interview With… Me!?

What better inaugural Meetup Mondays interview could there be than an interview with yours truly?! This was conducted by @Unity3Dnews and, as fate would have it, was his inaugural interview too! We delve into The Blind Shrine Maiden. Check out its Facebook page, won’t you? https://www.facebook.com/The-Blind-Shrine-Maiden-1378393195767418/ I’ll be adding a link to the web playable

Tutorial Tuesdays! Configuring Unity for use with a Bluetooth Controller in VR (abridged).

Recently a student asked me how to configure a Bluetooth Controller for use in VR. The short answer is that configuration is a simple affair of attaching an FPS Controller script to whatever has the VR prefab attached to it. The Edit>Project Settings>Input settings are all pre-configured for use with a mouse and keyboard and

Freebie Fridays! Free Texture Atlasing Tools for 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, even Unity!

A brief Freebie Friday linking you to Texture Atlasing tools! In a previous post we discussed why texture atlasing is important and in yet another post, how to go about it. We mentioned that texture atlasing can be accomplished for free outside of Unity. Here are those tools! 3Ds Max: Texture Atlas Generator: http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/scripts/texture-atlas-generator Maya:

Developer Blog – Texture Atlasing.

As described previously, if we combine textures that share shaders we can reduce the number of materials. If we reduce the number of materials, we increase the number of meshes eligible for Static Batching . More Batching means less set pass calls. Less set pass calls means greater performance. So, according to the law of

Developer Blog – Static Batching

Imagine having to write a paper on a subject you are familiar with. Compare that with writing a paper on a subject that you know nothing about. Which is the most pleasant experience of the two? Which will take longer? Most likely it will take longer to write a paper on a subject that you